Happy Client
Provide services to fulfill the needs of customer in adherence to the work principles of Company e.g. professionalism, integrity, trusted, and team work
A high-commitment services to deliver satisfaction of customer for the services offered
Competent laboratory manpower and communicative and cooperative services to provide effective and efficient solution to fulfill the needs customer.
Competent laboratory manpower and communicative and cooperative services to provide effective and efficient solution to fulfill the needs customer.
( +62 ) 0251-8481227
Ruko Green Valley Soho, Blok A2 No.1, Sukamantri, Tamansari Bogor Jawa Barat 16610
Partikulat secara Isokinetik |
Sulfur Dioksida (SO2) |
Nitrogen Oksida (Nox) dinyatakan sebagai NO2 |
Karbon Monoksida (CO) |
Oksigen (O2) |
Opasitas |
Penentuan Kecepatan Linier |
Penentuan Berat Molekul Kering |
Penentuan Kadar Uap Air Secara Gravimetri |
Hidrogen Florida (HF) |
Hidrogen Klorida (HCl) |
SNI 7117.17:2009 |
IKM-05.03.20.ALI (Flue Gas Analyzer) |
IKM-05.03.20.ALI (Flue Gas Analyzer) |
IKM-05.03.20.ALI (Flue Gas Analyzer) |
IKM-05.03.20.ALI (Flue Gas Analyzer) |
SNI 19.7117.11-2005 |
SNI 7117.14:2009 |
SNI 7117.15:2009 |
SNI 7117.16:2009 |
SNI 19-7117.9-2005 |
SNI 19-7117.8-2005 |
Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2) |
Sulfur Dioksida (SO2) |
Oksidan (O3) |
Debu Total |
Kebisingan |
Iklim Kerja Indeks Suhu Bola Basah (ISBB) |
Pencahayaan |
IKM-08.02.21.ALI-Ed/Rev.01/01 |
IKM-09.02.21.ALI-Ed/Rev.01/01 |
IKM-10.02.21.ALI-Ed/Rev.01/01 |
SNI 16-7058-2004 |
SNI 7231-2009 |
SNI 16-7061-2004 |
SNI 16-7062-2004 |
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 22 Tahun 2021 – Lamp. VI
Zat Padat Terlarut (TDS) |
Zat Padat Tersuspensi (TSS) |
pH |
BOD5 |
Dissolved Oksigen (DO) |
Amonia (NH3-N) |
Klorida (Cl-) |
Fluorida (F) |
Nitrit (NO2-N) |
Sulfat (SO42-) |
Belerang Sebagai (H2S) |
Detergen -MBAS |
Daya Hantar Listrik |
Zat Padat Terlarut (TDS) |
SNI 6989.27:2019 |
SNI 6989.3:2019 |
SNI 6989.11:2019 |
SNI 6989.72:2009 |
SNI 6989.2:2019 |
IKM-01.01.20-ALI |
SNI 06-6989.30-2005 |
SNI 6989.19-2009 |
SNI 06-6989.29-2005 |
SNI 06-6989.9-2004 |
SNI 6989.20:2019 |
SNI 6989.70:2009 |
SNI 06-6989.51-2005 |
SNI 6989.1:2019 |
SNI 6989.27:2019 |
Permenkes 32/2017
Kekeruhan |
Warna |
Zat Padat Terlarut (TDS) |
pH |
Fluorida (F) |
Kesadahan (CaCO3) |
Nitrit (NO2-N) |
Detergen -MBAS |
Khromium (VI) (Cr6+) |
Sulfat (SO42-) |
Zat organik (KMNO4) |
SNI 06-6989.25-2005 |
SNI 6989.80:2011 |
SNI 6989.27:2019 |
SNI 6989.11:2019 |
SNI 06-6989.29-2005 |
SNI 06-6989.12-2004 |
SNI 06-6989.9-2004 |
SNI 06-6989.51-2005 |
SNI 6989.71:2009 |
SNI 6989.20:2019 |
SNI 06-6989.22-2004 |
Ruko Green Valley Soho, Blok A2 No.1, Sukamantri, Tamansari Bogor Jawa Barat 16610
Telp : 0251-8481227
Email: atmoslab.indonesia@gmail.com